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04.24.03 -

last night was the first time i hate hate hate hate hated my job and the lazy people that goes with it. the problem is that the laziest ones are the ones who've all been there 5+ years, and me complaining to the authority like figures will only count against me.

i walked out early without getting the "ok". normally i would be worried, but i don't care at all. those people ALL supersuck. i had lengthy yelling matches with several of them in my car on the way home last night.


today this insipid, horrible girl from my first french class tried to talk to me in the hall. i'm trying pretty hard these days not to be so judgemental, but when she and her gaggle of disrespectful, ignorant bitch friends sit around DURING class talking about how there's no hot boys, they have no money for buying new clothes, and this summer's trip to arizona where their friends "totally have their own place"..."omigod!!"..."hell yeah, like, TOTAL freedom!!" [in ENGLISH no less...have you forgotten you are in a FRENCH class?], my natural reaction is to brand them fairly shallow, boring, ridiculous people.

the problem is that this girl, rochelle, is very nice. just absentminded in the worst way.

she asked me if i liked our teacher [we all know i adore him] and then told me i look "just exactly like" the girl from "the gilmore girls".

i have no idea who that is. i only sort of recognize the name as a tv show.

she encouraged me to watch it tonight. i think not. i will be rock n' rolling this evening.


lately i've been experiencing all this latent agressiveness and anger.

it's so bad that i have multiple fantasies everyday of telling people off and making them feel small.

of course they would deserve it, but it's not my style. i'm quiet and sweet, as far as anyone knows.

but inside, lately, i've been like a fire breathing dragon.


i have an 'a' in my science class where 3/4 of the kids are failing. we are 3 weeks in.

something inside me says something is wrong here.


happy birthday, boris...the best drummer the cure ever had. sigh.

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